Several drawings from the A Good Life ABC book were published as part of the Construction and Design Manual: Experimental Diagrams in Architecture. The book, published by DOM Publishers, was edited by Lidia Gasperoni, and features the work of over 50 authors working with various aspects of the architectural diagram. My own work fits within the “Experiments” chapter, with other works featured at the “Experimental Diagramming: Between Spatial Figuration and Abstraction” exhibition held at the TU Berlin in 2019/2020.
As explain in my short text accompanying the drawings:
“A diagram is a simple, yet not overly simplified depiction of (or part of) an object, system, or process. Its function is to demonstrate the interrelations of more complex concepts through breaking them down into their building blocks. The diagram should be used to set up the grammar of a project – it’s basic rules, ideas, and concepts. However, today the diagram also becomes a representational method for the entire architectural project. Instead of being used to set up a project’s alphabet, it becomes its entire language.”